How can I help?

Do you have a family member, friend or colleague who is experiencing chronic distress? Do you want to help them, but not know how? Here’s some suggestions to start with.

two people sitting in camp chairs under a tree watching the sunset

  • Show interest in their wellbeing. “How are you doing today, mate? I know things have been rough for you recently.”
  • Ask them, in a supportive and positive way, how you can help. “I’d love to help you out! Is there something in particular I can do?”
  • Let them know why you like them. “I was just reading this book about brave and amazing women, and it reminded me of you!”
  • Spend time with them. “I want to come over to your place and marathon some Netflix!”
  • Give them a reason to leave the house. “Let’s go and have a BBQ at the beach for dinner.”
  • If they open up to you, reassure them that they made the right choice. “Thank you for sharing, hun. I know it couldn’t have been easy, but I’m so glad you did.”
  • Encourage them to get help from professionals. “Have you talked to your GP about this? I’m happy to come with you for support.”
  • Help them identify and deal with sources of distress. “Does seeing pics of your Dad everywhere make you worse? Well, how about we take some down temporarily and put up some pics of your puppy instead.”
  • Make them laugh. Text them jokes. Email them funny cat videos. Recommend comedy movies, or watch with them.
  • Do your research. There are websites, group, books and a wealth of resources out there that will help you to understand what they’re going through!

Remember, if you’re providing regular and ongoing support for a loved one in distress, you need to take care of yourself too.

  • Set boundaries. Be clear about what you can and can’t do.
  • Be honest. Speak from a place of compassion, and you’ll speak truly.
  • Seek support. Everyone needs a hand!
  • Take regular breaks. You need “me time” as well.
  • Look after your body! Eat, sleep and exercise regularly.

For more info, check out these links:

Silly season stress

Feeling stressed and not sure what to do about it? Try some of these anxiety-relieving tips!

Feeling stressed

  • Slow, deep breathing from the diaphragm. Inhale for a count of four, hold for seven, exhale for 8.
  • Muscle relaxation. Lie down with your arms by your side, and slowly work your way from feet to head by tensing and relaxing each muscle group: feet, legs, belly, hands, arms, neck & shoulders, face.
  • Mindfulness. Pick up a piece of fruit and look closely at it. How would you describe it to someone? What does it smell like? Bite into it slowly. What sound does it make? What is the texture like? Eat it slowly. What does it taste like?
  • Exercise. Go for a walk or a swim. Try yoga. Play a sport you enjoy.
  • Socialise. Ring or text a friend. Post something to social media. Commit a random act of kindness for someone. Volunteer.
  • Modify your senses. Literally smell the roses, or try some essential oils like lavender, bergamot, lemon, frankincense, sandalwood. Pop some gum or mints into your mouth. Find something nice to look at (no screens!). Pat an animal, or stroke some luxurious fabric, or pop some bubble wrap. Put on some music – check out “Weightless” by Marconi Union on Youtube.
  • Massage. If you can’t pay for one, bribe a family member to do it, or give yourself a foot massage with some peppermint lotion.
  • Bath. Have a warm bath with some Epsom salts for a magnesium boost, or lavender oil, or throw some chamomile tea bags in there!
  • Colouring in. A mindfulness technique that uses your focus and creativity to release worries.
  • Sunlight. Get outside! Vitamin D only stays active in the blood for 24 hours, so you may need a boost.
  • Water. Get hydrated! Also, a recent study found people who lived near water were more likely to feel happy with their life, so a trip to the beach/lake/river might be in the cards.
  • Gratitude. Keep a diary of things that you’re thankful for, things that make life worthwhile. It helps put the stress in perspective.
  • Diet. Skip the fried food, booze, dairy, sugar & caffeine. Instead, up your intake of oily fish like sardines or tuna, eggs, poultry, oats, soy, tofu, beans, leafy greens, peaches, blueberries, bananas, and citrus.
  • Take supplements. Ask your doc or pharmacist about Vitamin D, Magnesium, Folate, Omega-3, L-Theanine, or B Vitamins.
  • Practice your spirituality. Take the time to reconnect, however that looks for you.
  • Crystals. Wear a howlite, amber or rose quartz bracelet, and stroke the stones to remind yourself to relax.
  • Get organised. Commit those worries to paper by creating a to do list. Write a list of goals – for the week, year, decade. Brainstorm solutions to problems by writing down every idea you can think of. If need be, burn the paper afterwards!

Click here for a printable version of this list to hang on your fridge or wall as a daily reminder!